Workpackage 5

Workpackage 5: Synthesis, Learning and Feedback

WP leader:
WP co-leader:

The dialogue process between the science policy makers from the EU member states in WP3 and WP4 will mainly take place in the eight workshops throughout the three years. WP5 is designed to meet the challenges in achieving continuity in the whole process from one workshop to the next.


  • To ensure continuity in the learning process throughout the whole dialogue based on the regular provision of synthesised results and feedback to and between WP2, WP3 and WP4. Development of a multi-step procedure to be followed.
  • To compare the current experiences in EU regarding R&D for SD with other international contexts, mainly the US and Japan.
  • To provide input to WP4 on policy recommendations regarding possible strategies to harness R&D for SD in the EU, taking national and regional institutional differences into account.
  • To produce a final synthesis report, describing the key concepts, organisations, programmes and instruments that are considered to work well in harnessing R&D to sustainable development and contribute to expanding EU RD4SD.



Task 5.1. Design a procedure for analysis and synthesis of project results
At an early stage of the project a procedure will be designed to select the key dimensions and criteria for identification and analysis of project results. In order to ensure continuity in between the workshops and the WPs this procedure has to describe the identification and collection of relevant results from the dialogue workshops and the state of the art studies in a structured and concise way.

Task 5.2 Continuous analysis and synthesis of results
The procedure developed under 5.1 is applied in every step of the project starting with the kick-off workshop. This analysis and synthesis will be focussed strongly on examining how existing research systems fit the new vision and how different instruments and measures can be applied to achieve that vision. Special attention will be paid to summarising how different patterns of R&D programmes, organisations and policies within the EU are
actually responsive to the new sustainability requirements and to the shared vision developed by member states R&D policy makers.

Task 5.3 Collection of feedback from external experts and countries outside the EU
Specific results of the dialogue process will be presented to selected experts: science policy makers who are not irectly involved in the workshops, key persons in the related science communities, and experts on RD4SD from USA and Japan. Their feedback will be used as a first test for implementation opportunities and as an additional input into the dialogue process.

Task 5.4: Produce reports for and after each workshop and a synthesis report at the end of the project
The results of task 5.2 and 5.3 are integrated in a series of synthesis reports, which can be used by the other WPs for the preparation of their activities. Based upon close and early interaction with work packages 2, 3 and 4, WP5 will provide a report synthesising the analysis of the EU research systems, the shared vision provided as result of the project dialogue, and the developed strategies/roadmap to achieve that vision.

Task 5.5. Produce a policy brief on how best to harness RD4SD in Europe.
WP5 will produce the content for a policy brief and support WP6 in disseminating key project results to targeted audiences.