Workpackage 3

Workpackage 3: Dialogue for Producing a Shared Vision on how to Harness RD4SD

Workpackage leader: Workpackage co-leader:

The purpose of this work package is to organize a series of facilitated dialogues to explore the current state of and barriers to harnessing R&D to sustainable development, to develop a shared vision for harnessing RD4SD in the Member States and in the EU as a whole, and to discuss steps necessary to achieve that vision within the ERA dimension.

The focus of this work package is the central dialogue among the project partners. This dialogue is structured in three steps that are each taken twice:

  • Scoping: developing a joint understanding of the scope of the topic and the related problems,
  • Envisioning: developing a joint vision as a long-term orientation, and
  • Pathways: exploring possible solutions, options, instruments to solve the problems and to realise the vision.



This structure builds on tried and tested methods and experiences with such processes. The feedback loop of revisiting the vision after discussing pathways and developing first recommendations for action (WP4) allows for adaptation of the vision as well as of the implementation and use strategies.

Thus both central results of the project – the shared vision and the road map – become more concrete and concurring. Apart from the currently identified partners, a list of new partners, mainly the funding organisations, identified in the 2-day meeting among core working groups (WP 2), will also be invited to participate in the following meetings and workshops.


Task 3.1: Organization and running of two scoping meetings. The scoping starts with the first workshop directly following the kick-off workshop. It develops a first overview of the situation of RD4SD in different Member States, identifies problems and defines questions that should be elaborated during the dialogue as well as in the state of the art studies. The aim of the second workshop will be to extend the discussions from the Kick-Off meeting, use material from the case studies and from background material synthesised by WP 5 in preparation for the workshop to develop shared perceptions on the current state of efforts to harness R&D for SD and discuss the overall context within which this harnessing takes place.

Task 3.2: Organization and running of two visioning workshops. The aim of the first workshop, which will have broad participation, will be on the formulation of a long-term vision of a science policy system, which supports effective harnessing of R&D to sustainable development in Europe. In addition to reaching this shared vision, the workshop will initialise a discussion of possible pathways to achieve it. The second, somewhat more narrow workshop will revise the vision developed in the first workshop on the basis of the intervening workshops and internal and external evaluations (WP 5).

Task 3.3: Organization and running of two pathways workshops. The first pathways workshop will focus on the specific instruments and measures that could be implemented to achieve the vision and discuss potential synergies and trade-offs between them. The second pathways workshop will extend the discussion of specific instruments and measures based on the results of the strategy/roadmap discussions and internal and external evaluation (WP5).