
VISION RD4SD is a coordination and support action (CSA) in the 7th Framework Program of the EU. The project runs from 1 December 2010 to 30 November 2013. For more information on the structure and planned actions in VISION RD4SD please see the descriptions of the six work packages below.


WP 1: Project Leadership and Coordination
WP leader and project coordinator:
WP co-leader:

WP 2: State of the Art – Country and Regional Case Studies
WP leader:
WP co-leader:

WP 3: Dialogue for Producing a Shared Vision on how to Harness RD4SD
WP leader: WP co-leader:

WP 4: Development of Strategic Goals and a Road Map
WP leader: WP co-leader

WP 5: Synthesis, Learning and Feedback
WP leader:
WP co-leader:

WP 6: Dissemination and Communication
WP leader:
WP co-leader: